Happy Shocks, Victim Shakes, Guerillas Rawks
From Vinyl Creep
To celebrate the launch of "TV EYE", 26 artists from in and around Indonesia will get together for a custom show called "Happy Shocks, Victim Shakes, Guerillas Rawks" at the Lou Belle Shop in Bandung, Indonesia.
Dates & Addresses[edit]
May 7th - 17th 2011 - Lou Belle Shop, #56 Bandung, Indonesia
The Artists[edit]
The Yellow Dino, Marine Ramdhani a.k.a JOUWE, Tell Them, Astronautboys, Recycle Experience, CIKCUK, Amalia Kartika, Breeanzz, Rajaya Yogaswara a.k.a Machine 56, Radi Arwinda, Pinkversusblack, Arian13, Darbotz, KOMA, Aram Kaleva, Muloyoung, Narpatti Awangga a.k.a Om Leo, The Sompret, Farid Stevy Asta, Terra Bajraghosa, Iwan Effendi, Wedhar Riyadi, Yudi Sulistyo, Uji Hahan Handoko, Fredy Chandra, Hendra Hehe