From Vinyl Creep
Unmasked was a group custom show from the people behind Vinyl Thoughts, hosted by the Bottleneck Gallery in New York.
Dates & Addresses
April 18th - 27th 2013 - Bottleneck Gallery, Brooklyn, New York
The Artists
Alarment, Artist DIY, Big C, Bruckaroni, Bruscolino, Cody Phillips, Davemarkart, David Kraig, Frank the Obnoxious Donkey, Gottalovethesethings, Hatziel Flores, Infinite Rabbits, iRoc, Janelle Jex, JFury, Jody Pham, Juliet Phillips, Kasey Tararuj, Matt A, Manly Art, Mari, Marilyn Vicente, Matthew Orwig, Mr The Sanders, Nerviswr3k, Nic Bic, Nugglife, Pete the Monster, Rocketboy, Rsin, Small Angry Monster, SoKo Cat, Spazecraft One, Tobyart, Jenn Bot and Tony Bot, Uberclocked, Unicorn Kiddo, Wake-the-Dead, Wickedmastermind Design, Zamurai, Zombie Tom