Adventure Time x G1988
Gallery 1988 and Cartoon Network have joined forces to present Adventure Time, a group art show featuring over 65 artist’s work that was “inspired by the awesome cartoon series.”
Dates & Addresses[edit]
April 3rd - 6th, 2014 - Gallery 1988, 7308 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90046
The Artists[edit]
64 Colors, Aaron Jasinski, Andrew Heath, Anthony Petrie, Audrey Pongracz, Barry Blankenship, Bennett Slater, Brad HIll, Bruce Yan, Clark Orr, Cuddly Rigor Mortis, Cuyler Smith, Dan Goodsell, Daniel Valenzuela, Dave Quiggle, DrilOne, Geoff Trapp, Glen Brogan, Graham Erwin, Graham Yarrington, Irma Rivera, Israel Sanchez, Ivan Minsloff, Jason Liwag, Jim Ferguson, Joe King, Joey Spiotto, John Rozum, Julia Sonmi Heglund, Julian Callos, Ken Garduno, Known As Unknown, Lauren Gregg, Lawrence Yang, Matthew Brazier, Meghan Stratman, Michael DePippo, Nan Lawson, Nathan Chesshir, Nathan Stapley, Nic Cowen, Nicole Gustafsson, Roland LeFox, Roland Tamayo, Ross Prouix, Ruel Pascual, Ryan Hungerford, Scott Derby, Sean Naylor, Stephen Andrade, Steve Dressler, Tomi Monstre, Veronica Fish, Yarns & Noble
by Cuyler Smith
by Irma Rivera
by Nan Lawson
by Nic Cowan
by Ruel Pascual