Art Too Cute For Words

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LLW Supahcute PosterArt.jpg

"Art Too Cute For Words," curated by Supahcute, opens on May 12th and runs through June 24th at Leanna Lin's Wonderland.

Dates & Addresses[edit]

May 12th - June 24th 2012 - Leanna Lin's Wonderland, 5024 Eagle Rock Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90041

The Artists[edit]

Axelhoney, Beastlies, Bubi Au Yeung, Crowded Teeth, Doubleparlour, Fat Rabbit Farm, Gary Ham, Genevieve Santos, Hiné Mizushima, Jerrod Maruyama, Katie Cook, Liz Adams, Martin Hsu, Mekanikku, Melissa Hsu (Susuten), PodgyPanda, Sawdust Bear, 64 Colors, Susie Ghahremani, Yoko Nomura
