Jelly Koe

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Jellykoe is a designer toy company located in the heart of Columbia, SC. Jellykoe was founded in 2009 by husband and wife duo Kelly and J. Spencer Shull. Spencer acts as lead product designer and illustrator for Jellykoe while Kelly is in charge of production, design, and marketing. Their toys have been featured in STUFFED magazine, Catapult, and Art Nouveau as well as on Toy News and designer toy websites Tomopop, Urban Vinyl Daily, Plastic and Plush, and the award-winning Spanky Stokes. Jellykoe's art and toy designs have been shown in Gallery 1988, Hyaena Gallery, Bear and Bird Gallery, PiQ, Rivet Gallery, and more. Jellykoe travels full time, appearing yearly at over 40 juried art festivals, comic conventions, and gallery events across the country.

Designed Toy Releases[edit]

Toy Series Participation[edit]

  • Jaspar - figure for Series Zero, 2019

Customs & Show Pieces[edit]


Production Pieces[edit]

Customs & Show Pieces[edit]