Limited Edition Exhibition

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Visit GoGoPlastic from March 14th to March 30th for the Limited Edition Exhibition to raise money and awareness for the endangered wildlife around the world! The exhibition will feature a whole host of artists from around the world.

Dates & Addresses[edit]

March 14th - 30th 2008 - Go Go Plastic, 6 Gibb Terrace, The Custard Factory, Gibb Street, Digbeth, Birmingham, B9 4AA

The Artists[edit]

Bil Betsovic, Bytedust, Delme, DGPH, Kenn Munk, Mimic, Maz, Triclops, Tortoy, Aeiko, Sneaky Raccoon, Phil Corbett, Lunartik, Playskewl, Okkle, 13th Legion, Riot68, Annabelle Hartmann, Choowi, Moodude, Jon Burgerman, Lex
