Not Vinyl
"Not Vinyl" ? But you're a vinyl toy store! You may be asking yourself this question so...let me explain what this is about.
This exhibit showcases lots of talented artists doing pieces that aren’t vinyl. It will feature resin, wood, glass, metal, etc… You get the picture.
Dates & Address
May 8th - June 1st 2010 - Dragatomi, 2317 J Street (Btwn 23rd and 24th St.) Sacramento, CA 95816
The Artists
Plaseebo, Paul Kaiju, Leecifer, TaskOne, Phoneticontrol, Betso, Lysol 13, DrilOne, Jay222, Blamo Toys, Argonaut Resins, Quan Vu, Spanky Stokes, Motorbot, Rsin, Mandark, Jahsocky, C!nder, Jared Konopitski, Daniel Goffin, Okkle, Cris Rose, Eckotyper, J*ryu, Josh Herbolsheimer, LilJapan, Gatchabert, Jenny Wolf, Ian Ziobrowski, Chris Grannillo, Shane Saw, Brian Colin, Sucklord, WeKillYou, Apocalypse Popsicle, Brent Nolasco, NervisWr3ks, KillGraffiti, Monstrehero